Alas, tonight is All Hallow's Eve. The time when all children congregate on your street and furiously knock on your door, one after another, trick or treating their way to a late night vomit.
I have to admit thought, some costumes were actually really decent and some of the children were adorable. My best of the night though was this little girl, probably only around 4 years old, with her mum and dad. She was dressed as a witch and said the usual "Trick or Treat" when I answered the door. I thought I'd play a little game with her and bring out some of the fun involved. I said to her, "we're all closing up now, but if you say the very magical word I might just be able to conjure some up for you". Bless her, the first word out of her mouth was "please". Manners, I like this one.
"Not quite, but please is always nice. It's a really special magical spell and only the most powerful witches can cast it. Are you a powerful witch?", "Yeahhhh, I'm the powerfullest witch ever!" was her reply. Adorable. "Okay, it's two words, and it's a really powerful spell so I'll need your help with it. I'll give you the first and you say the next. OK?", "OK". "Abra...", "KADABRAAAA!" she shouted, jumping up and down. I couldn't resist any longer so held out the tub and let her choose. She only picked the one! More manners, I like this a lot, you don't see much of it in the youth these days. I urged her to take more because she was my last customer of the evening. With that she took a handful, smiled, said a big thank you and went off on her way.
She made my night!
It made me think that there is still hope for humanity. As long as we have the polite, caring ones in society it can rebuild itself and carry on if all else fails.
That's me for the night, Peer of the Year gets announced at work tomorrow and top prize is a Nexus 7 tablet so I'm gunning for the top. Let the battle commence!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
So, I wanted to make this post all about charity work. It's fresh in my mind because I have taken part in a mass charity event at work today. My workplace supports The Rainbow Trust ( which is a fantastic charity that helps young people with disabilities. Earlier in the year we met with a representative from Rainbow and discussed what we wanted to do over 12 months and set a realistic target of £6,500 to be raised.
Since this meeting, 3 of our staff members successfully completed the Three Peaks Challenge. We've done the Manchester 10k and people have had sponsored head shaves/leg waxes, etc. Today was another fund raising day. It is the site's 1 year anniversary so we decided to commemorate the event by raising as much as we could towards our total.

Myself and two others donned the suits of Zippy, George and Bungle from the children's TV show, Rainbow. I spent around 2 hours in this suit in total, running round collecting money from people, having pictures taken and generally having a good laugh. It is extremely hot inside these suits by the way. Someone should create a weight loss program that specifically consists of wearing these suits all day - the amount of weight you'd drop through sweat is unthinkable!
Anyway, the day went down a storm. We've not actually had chance to total up the donations just yet but I am immensely proud of my workmates and their generosity!
Government and charity
In my opinion, the Government don't do enough to support charities. In fact, they hardly do anything at all bar make it easier for people to locate the genuine from the fake. There must be some spare cash they can donate each year to charities. This shouldn't be out of the public pot either, it should come from the corporation taxes and the sponsorship they get from private organisations.
It doesn't even have to be much, after all it is the thought that counts.
Since this meeting, 3 of our staff members successfully completed the Three Peaks Challenge. We've done the Manchester 10k and people have had sponsored head shaves/leg waxes, etc. Today was another fund raising day. It is the site's 1 year anniversary so we decided to commemorate the event by raising as much as we could towards our total.

Myself and two others donned the suits of Zippy, George and Bungle from the children's TV show, Rainbow. I spent around 2 hours in this suit in total, running round collecting money from people, having pictures taken and generally having a good laugh. It is extremely hot inside these suits by the way. Someone should create a weight loss program that specifically consists of wearing these suits all day - the amount of weight you'd drop through sweat is unthinkable!
Anyway, the day went down a storm. We've not actually had chance to total up the donations just yet but I am immensely proud of my workmates and their generosity!
Government and charity
In my opinion, the Government don't do enough to support charities. In fact, they hardly do anything at all bar make it easier for people to locate the genuine from the fake. There must be some spare cash they can donate each year to charities. This shouldn't be out of the public pot either, it should come from the corporation taxes and the sponsorship they get from private organisations.
It doesn't even have to be much, after all it is the thought that counts.
Monday, 29 October 2012
So it begins
I thought I'd start with a brief introduction about me, my career, hobbies, etc. This should swiftly and harmlessly bypass the dreaded "ice-breakers", you know those silly conversations that new employers make their new recruits engage in. I find ice-breakers truly uncomfortable. I am much happier being left to my own devices and making allies/foes on my own. Thanks for the attempted assistance, however.
About Me
Name: Nathan Cashman
Age (at time of writing): 20
Job Role: Second Line Technical Fault Analyst
Drive: Yes. A Citroen C3 (don't dare make jokes, I've heard all of them before)
Relationship: Yes. Baby numero uno en route.
My Job
I work for a well know telecommunications provider, delivering second line support for all technically related issues. These issues range from a simple log in problem with an email address, to a faulty cable within a telephone exchange. No two days are exactly the same and this is what I love most about my job. I interact with many different people each day, whether I'm speaking to them over the phone or replying to their emails.
Sometimes the going gets tough, like everything. I just look past the hard times, seek out ways to improve the situation and just get going. I do genuinely adore my job and I wouldn't change it for the world. I have only been there just over a year but I have never felt so happy to walk through those office doors each morning (immensely sad, I know).
I've been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years now and I love every aspect of her. Her body, her mind and spirit. She always does good in everything she participates in and it's great to be with her. We don't live together unfortunately, which can sometimes be a real pain. The worst part is being together non-stop for a week and then spending the next few nights apart.
When I found out I was going to be a father, I was utterly shocked. I didn't know what I was going to do and I was genuinely worried about the whole thing. I guess that's normal but I sure as hell didn't think so at the time. Sam (my girlfriend, if you hadn't guessed when I used the name) had missed her time of the month and this was the first sign of something occurring. She was almost never late. We bought a test, which conveniently had two in the pack, and both came back positive - I was going to be a father.
To be perfectly honest, I was secretly loving the idea but dominating that suppressed feeling were mixed emotions of worry, guilt and anxiety. My main worry was finances. We couldn't even afford our own home, how on earth were we going to afford an extra mouth to feed. The guilt was down to my age. For some stupid reason I felt that I had let my parents down by entering parenthood so early in my life. The anxiety was the not knowing. I hate not knowing things and this was totally out of my comfort zone.
Me and Sam talked it over to great lengths and at one stage both of our minds seemed set on a termination. Looking back, I am so glad that we did not travel this path. After finally deciding to keep the baby and give a real go of it, we spoke to the Doctor and got ourselves booked in at the hospital to see our Midwife. I'm going to fast forward a few weeks now as I am already rambling. When I attended Sam's dating scan I didn't really know what to expect. All these emotions were starting to boil again. However, the first time I laid eyes on my unborn baby, moving about within the womb I was awestruck. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Anyway, Sam is the best part of 19 weeks now and on the 9th November we will be going to the 20 week scan. This will be the most nerve racking part of the pregnancy thus far - it is the time they check for physical abnormalities with the baby. We have already been told it is a low risk pregnancy, and all of Sam's vital readings are perfect so I don't really have any major worries. A slight worry will always be there and again I have attributed this as being "normal". Who knows what the future holds, I only hope there will be something of it left for my child to grow up comfortably and successfully. I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens.
In my spare time, I partake in a lot of reading. My favourite genre being fantasy. Witches, ghouls and things that go bump in the night, but all from totally imaginary worlds. I have to say, without a doubt, my favourite of these has to be The Spooks series. If you haven't heard of these then I implore you to give them a go. It's one of those stories that draws you in and keeps you there until you have read every little word and sentence. I will often stay up well into the early hours without realising, thinking to myself "I can't stop here, one more chapter". It feels like that one more chapter never materialises!
I also have a keen interest in programming and gaming, my platform of choice being my Xbox 360. Part of me sometimes feels like I'm not a real man. I hold no interest in sport, bottom of my list being football. To me, they are just a bunch of super-sized babies being paid rediculous sums of money to kick a round piece of fabric/leather/plastic, whatever it is, around some grass for 90 minutes. /Rant
Alas, the end
If you have read this far, congratulations, it looks like we will get on quite well! I thank you for taking the time to acknowledge this and delve into the life of Nath. I appreciate your time, and until I next ramble, take care.
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