Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Valentines Day

I have a mixed opinion regarding valentines day. On the one side, I think it's a great time of year to spend some quality time with your other half. On the flip side, I don't see why valentines day is needed to show your other half that you love them. Surely you should be showing them this on a daily basis.


There also seems to be this aura of money grabbing for valentines. Restaurant and hotel prices go up, flowers become more expensive, people are deliberately cashing in on people who are loved up. Now, whilst I appreciate that they're businesses who are in the game for profits but surely there's something not quite right when they raise their prices so much just because they know people will be "forced" into buying.

This leads me nicely onto my next statement. Money does not equal love. I don't see why we should have to buy something for someone to prove we love them. If your other half expects something to be bought for them on valentines then you are with the wrong person, plain and simple. Of course, a card is a different story. I think everyone should at least pick up a card. They're an inexpensive little token of affection for the day.

At the end of the day, valentines day, just like Easter, is there for the big wigs to count their profits. It is something we just have to deal with but is something we can avoid. Why not, next year, agree to not purchase anything. Why not just spend some quality time with your other half, whenever you are both free, to really show the meaning of valentines day - expressing your love for the person you hold dear.

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