Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Mac owners of the world rejoice

For you have a new member!

That's right, I bought a macbook pro spontaneously the other day - it arrived this morning and it looks absolutely stunning. 

Now, I was a bit dubious at first. I have previously not been a huge fan of mac. I mean, you can get a much better spec machine for the same price, if not cheaper. There's something that appeals about them though, whether it's the backlit keyboard or the illuminated apple sign on the lid - it just works!

The thing with a Windows machine is that Microsoft don't make the hardware, other companies do. It's for this reason that I don't believe the operating system/hardware make 100% use of each other. With mac it's different. Apple make the hardware, Apple make the software. The two go together like peas in a pod. 

Don't get me wrong, I still love Windows. I have 3 other laptops at home all running Windows and I love them. Both Windows and Mac have their advantages.

I'm still getting used to Mac. I'm so used to using Ctrl+C/V to copy & paste for example, and there's no DEL key on the Mac keyboard. I'm learning though - these multi-gestures are a pain to keep up with but equally fantastic.

Keep an eye out for more Mac related posts. Now I have more room to play with apps I should be able to start pumping out reviews again - they were some of my best loved posts and were responsible for bringing in over 90% of my views, so it would be nice to return the blog back to that state of high audiences. Sure, I don't get the largest traffic in the world but to me over 1,000 views is insane and I certainly don't plan to stop now.

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