Thursday, 20 December 2012

End of the world? Pt II

So the time is vast approaching. The time that doomsdayers predict the end of humanity. Oh, and the entire world of course.

Yes, I am sure you've all heard enough of the speculation but, to be frank, if it is my last few hours on the Earth then I would like to say my piece. In all honesty, I really do think it's all nonsense. Another scaremongering attempt, possible to profit from the situation. I mean, c'mon, bookies are actually offering odds. The worst part is, people are actually betting! Yes, I'm being serious.

Who in their right mind would bet on something like that. Sure, the odds are crazy good and makes you a potential millionaire if you win but you'd be dead and have no way of claiming it, because the world would have ended. If the world doesn't end, which it is most likely not to, then you lose your money. It's a lose-lose scenario for the better so why bother...

There are a lot of conspiracies regarding the end of the world. Far too many for me to go into detail on, but there is a wiki page that explains what it is all about and lists a few of the most popular theories, link here.

For me, I am going to treat the day just like any other. I'm not afraid of it because I know that it will not happen. There is no scientific proof of any apocalyptic event heading our way. I know that it is very possible that such events could happen without warning but surely there would be something measurable that the boffs would notice. Some say that the major powers do know something, but chose to cover it up to avoid widespread panic.

Either way, if the world is going to end, it's going to end. It's not something that can be stopped so there's no point in worrying about it. I don't see the point in worrying about something that you can't control.

If you seriously believe the world is going to end, and want to say your prayers, goodbyes and whatever else, then follow this link. It's a countdown to the time that the doomsdayers think the world will end. Note it down, 11:11am. Obviously, the world cannot end at 11:11 for everyone due to timezones so if you're not in the UK/use GMT, then just use Google or another search engine to find the relevant time in your zone - if you want to go to this much effort that is.

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