Saturday, 22 December 2012

Last minute shopping

With Christmas only a couple of days away, I think it's time for me to finalise my shopping and get wrapping. This is the thing, I'm always last minute. I always have been.

I don't necessarily do it on purpose. I do just think, "oh, It's two weeks away, I have plenty of time left" - so I put it to the back of my mind. I then look at the date and think "oh my gosh, 2 days to go and I STILL haven't bought anything". Granted, I do have cards sorted. Well, for my girlfriend at least. In fairness, if I didn't have Sam I would right up the creek without a paddle at the moment. Luckily, she bought everyone's presents before I even had chance to forget what day it was. Needless to say, I now owe her half of the costs but that's not a problem at all! Sharing is caring after all.

My New Year's resolution this year is definitely going to be "GET ORGANISED". I seriously lack organisation and this isn't a good thing. I have big things planned for 2013, it's the time when my son is introduced into the world. If I'm not organised by then I'll have no hope for me ever getting organised. I should take a leaf out of Sam's book, always fully prepared well in advance and when the time comes, perfect precision. D'oh.

(Christmas is in 2 days! How prepared are you?)

I have definitely forgotten the meaning of Christmas over the last couple of years. I haven't enjoyed it nearly as much as I used to, or should. It's a time that is always spent with the people I love and hold dear so it should be the happiest and most special of times in my life. I'm hoping that this year I re-kindle my love for Christmas. Sure, it's been commercialised up to the rafters but that doesn't matter. I don't care how many presents I got, or how much money my neighbours spent on their children. At the end of the day, it's quite possibly the only time I get to see all of my family in the same place at the same time.

Here's to a fantastic Christmas!

Oh, and before I forget - have a fantastic New Year as well.

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