Friday, 28 December 2012

iPad 5 due in March?

First of all, I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I most certainly did. I'm very happy with my new Kindle as well as the usual deodorants and shower sets that I got. 

Anyway, back to the topic on hand.

Rumour has it, and I would like to note that I have only today come across this, that Apple are going to launch the iPad 5 in March 2013. In all honesty, this wouldn't at all surprise me. Their product turnover is immense. Unfortunately for the owners of the latest iPad, or iPads if you count both the Mini and the 4, this means their beloved Apple product will be obsolete within only 6 months of it being released. As you can imagine, this has outraged many people but for others it is another step forward in the Apple Revolution.

The iPad Mini - The latest redesign of the popular iPad

I can see where the unhappy people are coming from. Personally, I would feel ripped off after spending my hard earned money on a product that, only a mere 6 months later, would be outdated by an updated version of the same product. You could even go as far as stating that the "new" product is exactly the same as the previous model just re-branded as "The New ...". Of course, this isn't entirely accurate because Apple do always improve their products slightly.

The other argument relating to such small release windows is the idea that Apple must already know and have possibly created the next feature they want in the newest model of their product. Why don't they just wait a little longer and add all the cool new features into one amazing product. This makes me think that they deliberately hold back on these features, just so they can release a newer model a few months down the line and sell it at the same price, making them huge profits in the process.

I know full well what people say - Apple are a business and they're out to make money. Whilst I agree with this, I do feel that a business needs integrity. I can't see this happening anytime soon, but I really do see Apple losing what integrity it has left if they continue this practice.

The iPad 4, dubbed "The Resolutionary new iPad" - Released at the same time as the iPad Mini

I myself have an iPad 2, purchased in December 2011. Since then, Apple have released 3 more iPads including the mini. This means that in just 12 months, they have released 3 newer versions of my product into the market. If you look at the tech specs of each iPad, the latest iPad 4 (pictured above) is not that much different to my iPad 2. Sure, it has retina display, a slightly faster processor and a HD screen, but is this worth the starting figure of £399. The exact same price that I paid for mine 12 months ago. I can't see the appeal to be quite honest.

The iPad Mini is very similar. They subtitle it "Every inch an iPad". Exactly right, it only has minor reduced specs compared to the 4 and the price is just over £100 less for the smallest GB model. In fairness, I don't have many gripes with the Mini. In certain situations, my iPad 2 is just too big whereas the Mini would be perfect with it's smaller dimensions and similar processing power. Still, starting at £269 it is still a fairly hefty sum to part with.

Concept design for the iPad 5 - the most common found on rumour sites and forums

You will see above an image I keep coming across when searching for more information about the suspected iPad 5. It looks a lot thinner and more trimmed down along the edges. I also see no evident home button so if Apple are thinking of a design along these lines, they're sure to have something up their sleeves to combat the lack of a home button. In fairness, if this design is even slightly accurate I would be the first to applaud Apple for adopting a revolutionary design and being the leader in bringing 3D technology to the tablet industry (the app icons look 3D and the screen slightly blurry, as you get with 3D films).

My only concern with 3D is that 9/10 you require glasses to get the full effect. I know Nintendo released the 3DS that required no glasses but I am not sure how well this fairs, having not played about with one myself. If any of you have one, or have played with one, I would be intrigued to learn if the 3D effect is even half decent.

What are your views on the iPad 5? Will it be well received, or should Apple seriously start to review their business plan on how quickly they release these things? Comments on a postcard... or below (that might be slightly easier).

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